martes, 5 de junio de 2012

Scientists of NASA talking about the transit of Venus... Check it out: USTREAM LIVE

Link Taken from

viernes, 1 de junio de 2012

Video Of the Zombie Attack in Miami! May 28th 2012

Hey guys... I've got this new video from one of my fav youtube channels GABEHASH... here we can observe those traumatic minutes where a homeless man is attacked by a man named Eugene. Eugene literally ate the face of this poor guy who lived in the streets and who currently is in a Miami's hospital. Was Eugene drug? was this attack a consequence of the Bath Salts? is something behind this strangeevent? judge yourselves!

Thanks for checking out! get informed. Do not forget: save food and water because something weird is coming this way!

Zombie Attack in Miami: Drugs or "Something else".

I have to say this blew up my mind... Definetely these are mad times... MAD TIMES. Get some food and water and save it! I don't really want zombies in the end... what do you think about it?

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

May 20th and December 21st 2012 Prophecy.

Something to say about it... I could not upload it before this date, but the important thing is Italy was shaked... is it a coincidence? what do you think?

This was taken from the youtube channel Tercermilenio.

jueves, 12 de abril de 2012

Language Assessment by Douglas Brown

Hey y'all, this time I have brought a really nice book; if you are a (foreign) language teacher (even an assistant) it could be really useful for you...

Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices by (Douglas Brown)

Check it out...

If the link is broken please let me know I would upload it again...

viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012

An Unusual Radio Station: Russia

No one has ever given an answer about this... here the mistery of a radio station from Russia : the buzzer. Numbers, codes, names and music? What could this be? This sound really freaks you out! feel free to comment...

This video was taken form the youtube channel: Tercermilenio.

jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

A year of Astronomical Events

This year will have several astronomical events. Some days ago I was witness to something beautiful the triangulation of Venus, Jupiter and the moon, one friend of my could take a pic, here it is:(Triangulation of Venus, Jupiter and the moon, Cali, Colombia, March 13th)

It seems there will be others, check this video out:

(this video was taken from the Youtube's channel : tercermilenio) Hope you can enjoy some of this events, I have to figure out wich ones I will be able to see here in Colombia!

miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012

A Nostradamus in America!

I hadn't heard about this man before, but I find it so amazing. A prophet here in America, our own Nostradamus. What I like the most is the way he drew all the images he saw and the little clues he gave. Now my question is, what do the numbers 20, 12 mean? this year? an hour? amounts of something? Hope you enjoy it!

This video was taken from the youtube channel: Tercermilenio. A channel you have to check out.

jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012

Ron Paul Revolution... What do you think about this?

Ron Paul Revolution, a concept I am sure will echo during this year. Does this represent a real danger to those who have power right now? What do you think about the interferences?

We have to take into account that the president that is going to be selected in US, will have to deal with the end of the Maya's calendar...

This video was taken from:

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

and, what about this weather?

Extreme Cold Weave / Ola de Invierno Extrema

La Ola de frío que golpea Europa desde el pasado 27 de Enero de 2012 ha cobrado alrededor de 450 vidas humanas. Esta ola de invierno ha sido reportada posiblemente como la más fuerte en los último 100 años.

The Cold wave which hits Europe since January 27th has taken 450 lives. This weave could be declared as the coldest and strongest one in the last 100 years.

This video was taken from

La Gente Que Me Gusta - Mario Benedetti

Me gusta la gente que vibra, que no hay que empujarla, que no hay que decirle que haga las cosas, sino que sabe lo que hay que hacer y que lo hace. La gente que cultiva sus sueños hasta que esos sueños se apoderan de su propia realidad.Me gusta la gente con capacidad para asumir las consecuencias de sus acciones, la gente que arriesga lo cierto por lo incierto para ir detrás de un sueño, quien se permite huir de los consejos sensatos dejando las soluciones en manos de nuestro padre Dios.

Me gusta la gente que es justa con su gente y consigo misma, la gente que agradece el nuevo día, las cosas buenas que existen en su vida, que vive cada hora con buen ánimo dando lo mejor de sí, agradecido de estar vivo, de poder regalar sonrisas, de ofrecer sus manos y ayudar generosamente sin esperar nada a cambio.

Me gusta la gente capaz de criticarme constructivamente y de frente, pero sin lastimarme ni herirme. La gente que tiene tacto.

Me gusta la gente que posee sentido de la justicia.

A estos los llamo mis amigos.

Me gusta la gente que sabe la importancia de la alegría y la predica. La gente que mediante bromas nos enseña a concebir la vida con humor. La gente que nunca deja de ser aniñada.

Me gusta la gente que con su energía, contagia.

Me gusta la gente sincera y franca, capaz de oponerse con argumentos razonables a las decisiones de cualquiera.

Me gusta la gente fiel y persistente, que no desfallece cuando de alcanzar objetivos e ideas se trata.

Me gusta la gente de criterio, la que no se avergüenza en reconocer que se equivocó o que no sabe algo. La gente que, al aceptar sus errores, se esfuerza genuinamente por no volver a cometerlos.

La gente que lucha contra adversidades.

Me gusta la gente que busca soluciones.

Me gusta la gente que piensa y medita internamente. La gente que valora a sus semejantes no por un estereotipo social ni cómo lucen. La gente que no juzga ni deja que otros juzguen.

Me gusta la gente que tiene personalidad.

Me gusta la gente capaz de entender que el mayor error del ser humano, es intentar sacarse de la cabeza aquello que no sale del corazón.

La sensibilidad, el coraje, la solidaridad, la bondad, el respeto, la tranquilidad, los valores, la alegría, la humildad, la fe, la felicidad, el tacto, la confianza, la esperanza, el agradecimiento, la sabiduría, los sueños, el arrepentimiento y el amor para los demás y propio son cosas fundamentales para llamarse GENTE.

Con gente como ésa, me comprometo para lo que sea por el resto de mi vida, ya que por tenerlos junto a mí, me doy por bien retribuido.

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

Boy can see in the dark "Cat eyes"

China. Un niño conocido como "Ojos de Gato" habita en una pequeña villa donde es conocido por sus famosos ojos azules occidentales. Lo mas sorprendente de este niño fue lo que reveló uno de sus amigos del colegio: Él ve en la oscuridad.

China. A litlle boy has a particular nickname "Cat eyes", he lives in a smallville where he is known by his famous blue eyes. The most surprising thing is what one of his best friends revealed at school: He sees in the dark.

This video was taken form a wondrous website: "Teatro de la vida"

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

Estos son los sitios que comenzarán a caer arrastrados por la ausencia de Megaupload

Tomado de:


Todavía no logramos salir del shock del cierre de Megaupload y con el pasar de los minutos nos vamos dando cuenta del nivel de las repercusiones que este duro golpe traerá a los internautas que descargaban millones de archivos desde sus servidores.

Por si aún no habían logrado caer en la cuenta, ¿les suena un sitio que tiene por nombre Cuevana? Bueno, probablemente esta será la baja más sensible (al menos en Latinoamérica) entre los distintos servicios que se verán afectados desde ya mismo por la caída de Megaupload.

De hecho, el sitio aparece mencionado en la acusación contra MegaUpload, en conjunto con y Taringa entre otros. “Estos sitios ofrecían exclusivamente enlaces de, todos mantenían un directorio de URLs para identificar copias de contenido con copyright que eran almacenados en servidores directamente controlados por la Mega Conspiración”, señala la acusación.

También se verán afectados,, y Todos sitios que operan bajo el servicio de streaming de Megaupload. También el buscador Filestube se ve afectado con esto.

Y con esto del streaming, quizás ya está de más que lo mencione, pero es nuestro deber aumentar vuestro sufrimiento señalándoles que junto con el sitio madre, también dejarán de contar con todos los servicios de streaming de Megaupload, que básicamente se dividen en: Megavideo, Megalive, Megapix, Megabox y… ¡Megaporn!

Probablemente sea bueno comenzar a buscar nuestras tarjetas de socio de Blockbuster, desempolvar el DVD y encontrar el líquido limpiacabezales para el viejo y querido VHS…

Bueno, bromas aparte, los invitamos a compartir en los comentarios qué otros sitios se dieron cuenta que comenzarían a morir junto con Megaupload.

Vaya un abrazo fraterno para todos los viudos.

jueves, 12 de enero de 2012

Turning Point

Hey there, this time I had to write a story about a turning point in my life. I have had several I must say, but this might be the one I like the most, hope you like it:

A Calm “Life or Death Situation”

Lying in bed, I was surrounded by many books that were waiting for me with their unknown exercises that had to be answered. Green walls with a white ceiling which had become dusty over time were all that I could see. The strong summer light of the giant heavenly body, burst through the door and the window of my square shelter. I decided while turning on the TV, that those exercises could wait. While flipping through channels, my body acted in an unconscious way. I had the odd habit of putting my eraser inside my mouth. As a child I used to buy my academic supplies in unordinary shapes, so my eraser was nothing but a spherical ball of green rubber whose funny shape helped mitigate the fact of finding out that I had a wrong answer or simply the fact of facing all that homework.

My eraser played joyfully inside my mouth; my teeth and tongue became close friends with the circular toy. I stopped channel surfing because I found one of my favorite TV shows. Suddenly they made a joke, I laughed, and my little round friend slid subtly down and son got stuck somewhere in my throat. I never got scared; I was so relaxed. I tried to breathe through my nose but, I could not do it; and then I tried through my mouth but I could not either. Up until that moment I did not know that my mouth and my nasal cavity were connected somewhere but, even having suddenly discovered this by myself, along with the fact that I would die in some seconds, I was still relaxed. I used to play a game with my father that consisted of holding my breath as long as I could and sometimes I could hold it for one minute and twenty-four seconds, despite my record, I had a life or death situation on my hands because I could not keep holding my breath. I stood up and I thought of going to the living room where my sister was because she is a nurse and she would have helped me with this issue. As I was walking towards her I thought “if she helps me and I am still alive after this, my mom will kill me for my irresponsibility”. So I turned around and decided to have a calm death in my room but suddenly something happened; I am not really sure what it was but I remember I made a kind of bow and I launched the green ball out of my entrails.

The air never tasted so good; I found its flavor sweet, cold, soft and satisfactory. My lungs were not large enough to breathe it all in. It’s reassuring to know that this story has been told many times, a story about how one day a little boy had only one minute and twenty-four seconds to face death.

Qu'est-ce qui M'indigne?!!!

Well this time I've been asked in French class to write a paragraph about something that bothers me. I really did not have any topic to talk about, I then I remembered something, a feeling I have had since long time ago, and I felt I could develop this thought with some tool I got this very last weekend:

Qu’est-ce qui m’indigne ?
C’est vrai que maintenant on entend parler de guerres et des révoltes partout ailleurs (dans La Libye, dans La Grèce, Aux États-Unis, Au Royaume-Uni, etc.) ; c’est vrai que jour à jour on trouve des maladies qui paraissaient incroyables mais ils existent déjà en effet ; c’est vrai aussi le fait de trouver des personnes qui font des actes atroces contre leurs propres peuples (les personnes qui s’immolent, d’autres qui tuent leurs enfants) ; les mortes des jeunes grandissant grâce a tous ces situations ou réalités de vie qu’ils vivent et que varient pour chaqu’un d’eux (les drogues, les conditions sexuelles, le refus) . Je sais qu’actuellement on peut regarder le monde, peut-être, comme quelque chose que dégoûte mais ça ne signifie pas qu’on peut reprocher Dieu tous ces situations là, et c’est ça ce que m’indigne. Les gens ne voient pas les bénédictions qu’ils reçoivent touts les jours. Qu’ils puissent s’élever, respirer, aimer, voir, écouter, parler, rire, marcher, s’amuser, rêver etc. ont devenu de choses inaperçues pour lesquelles on ne remercie pas, pour nous ils sont très communs mais ils ont été, sont et seront des cadeaux.